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UK NI Scotland Wales

What are the right foods and drinks to prepare for someone you care for and how should you provide them? This can be challenging especially when they have specialist needs.

We have worked with health professionals at Nutricia to produce resources to help. These free online nutrition guides have been produced with support from Nutricia, who develop nutritional health products to help people live longer healthier lives.



Eating well and good nutrition 

We all know that what you eat and drinks plays a huge role in your health and wellbeing. But knowing exactly what to prepare for someone you care for can be confusing, especially if they have complex medical needs. For example, they may have lost their sense of taste or have difficulty swallowing or digesting certain foods. 

Carers UK has teamed up with nutrition company, Nutricia to support you with these challenges. These resources, offering dietary tips and insights, cover a wide range of conditions. 


View this video for a nutrition professional's guidance

Becky from Nutricia focuses on nutrition and caring – examining how to stay healthy as a carer. She also offers guidance on nutrition during illness. Watch the video.

Spotlight on nutrition report

Our recent report 'Spotlight on nutrition' highlights:

  • up to 8 out of 10 unpaid carers worry about some aspect of diet and nutrition for the person they provide support to
  • unpaid carers of people who are underweight worry most
  • Carers UK and Danone UK & Ireland are working together to raise awareness of under-nutrition and help unpaid carers get access to the right information and support so they can provide good care for their loved ones.

Take a look at the report

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