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Press releases

Carers NI report highlights that carers are living lives defined by poverty and financial strain
A new survey from Carers NI exploring the financial impacts of being an unpaid carer has laid bare the terrible…

Carers hope for a better future beyond the breaking point
The role that Northern Ireland’s carers play in propping up a struggling health service and their hopes for a brighter…

Carer’s Leave Act prompts more employers to introduce paid Carer’s Leave for the first time, new survey shows
Over 160 employers responded to a survey from Employers for Carers (EfC) who found that 44% of these workplaces offer…

60th Anniversary Stories: Our Story
To mark Carers UK's 60th Anniversary in Scotland, we are using our platform to share the stories of carers across…

Carers NI hosts 60th anniversary event at Stormont
On Wednesday 22 January Carers NI hosted a parliamentary event at Parliament Buildings, Stormont.

60th Anniversary Stories: Full-time caring – a journey to mastering mindfulness
To mark Carers UK's 60th Anniversary in Scotland, we are using our platform to share the stories of carers across…