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UK NI Scotland Wales

About our recordings

A series of recordings of sessions with Carers UK Helpline advisers and other specialist speakers. Please note that guidance and tips are for general information purposes only, are correct as of time of recording and do not qualify as advice. For advice on your caring situation, please email


Carer's Allowance and the earnings limit


Pollen Careers


Financial support when your caring role changes


Tips and guidance for carers: disability benefits


Tips and guidance for carers: residential care


Benefits, grants and tips for saving energy costs


Form filling hints and tips


AbilityNet: digital technology support


Self-advocacy for carers


Making effective complaints


Bereavement, grief and what to do when caring ends


Find and watch all recorded sessions on our Share and Learn YouTube playlist.

Latest updates

Press Release
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Carers UK respond to Liz Kendall, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, reforms to the DWP
23 July 24

Helen Walker, Chief Executive of Carers UK, said: “There are 4.3 million working age unpaid carers in the UK and…

Press Release
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Kings Speech - Carers UK welcomes Employment Rights Bill provisions but calls for unpaid carers to be greater priority for Government
17 July 24

Responding to today’s speech by King Charles III, Emily Holzhausen CBE, Director of Policy and Public Affairs at Carers UK,…

Press Release
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Rise in people discharged early from hospital puts millions of unpaid carers under more pressure
16 July 24

A survey by the Adult Directors of Social Services, ADASS, reveals a rise in the numbers of people being discharged…

Press Release
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Carers UK responds to the appointment of Sir Stephen Timms MP as the DWP Minister for Social Security and Disabilities
15 July 24

“We are delighted that Sir Stephen Timms MP has been appointed as the DWP Minister for Social Security and Disabilities.…

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