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UK NI Scotland Wales

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UK NI Scotland Wales

This latest report from the Carer Poverty Commission NI examines the experiences of poverty among child and young adult carers in Northern Ireland. Based on interviews with young carers, their parents and guardians, along with wider research, it shows:

  • There are over 17,500 child and young adult carers in Northern Ireland - representing roughly 8% of all unpaid carers here.
  • Young carers are missing out on the opportunities and experiences enjoyed by their peers because of the combined pressures of caring and poverty. Holidays, school trips and socalising with friends can all be out of reach for young carers living in financial strain.
  • Many young carers seem to be conditioned to expect less from life because of the financial pressures facing their family and the caring responsibilities on their shoulders. Poverty forces them to grow up before their time and set their expectations lower than other children.
  • There is a deep sense of unfairness that young carers receive no financial recognition for their caring roles. They're helping to prop up the Health and Social Care system but don't get any of the financial support available to young carers in places like Scotland.

The Carer Poverty Commission was established to better understand the causes of poverty among Northern Ireland’s unpaid carer population and to deliver the fresh thinking needed to address it. For more information, click here.

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