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We invited Hitesh Daudia, who cares for his mother, to share his thoughts and ideas on how to look after your wellbeing and take care of yourself when caring for someone else. Find out more about Hitesh on his website.


“Tip 1: Nutrition

Do you feel you don’t have the time to eat healthy? When it comes to nutrition, think of your body as a high-performance vehicle. Fill it up with the good stuff like fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains. Oh, and don't forget to hydrate too! Now, here's a deliciously actionable item for you: you could try meal planner and jot down some easy, nutritious recipes. Then zoom through the grocery store like a culinary champion and grab those wholesome ingredients!

“Tip 2: Exercise

Are you tired of being tired? Time to show those muscles some love. Whether it's a walk around the block, some fancy stretching moves, or your secret yoga session in the living room, get that body moving! And here's a super quick suggestion for you: if you feel a drop in your energy and you have the time, put on those comfy trainers and take a 10-minute power walk in the local park. But here’s the deal: when you see the green grass, take off your trainers and walk barefoot on the grass for a few minutes to re-energise yourself.

“Tip 3: Sleep

Do you ever wake up in the early hours of the morning wondering about your to do list? Let's create a sleep routine that would make Sleeping Beauty proud. Set a consistent bedtime, create a serene sleep sanctuary and put those screens away before you hit the hay. Set a bedtime alarm on your trusty phone to remind you to keep sleep regular.

“Tip 4: Communication is the key

Keeping the caring team in sync is vital for your sanity. If you’re sharing care with others, schedule a relaxed meeting to discuss everything caring-related. Talk about responsibilities, share updates, and maybe even throw in some snacks. The more you learn to let go of the small things and consider things from another point of view, the more life will become easier again.

“Any time you experience a challenge, ask yourself these five questions:

  1. What is great about this problem?
  2. What is not perfect yet?
  3. What am I willing to do to make it how I want it?
  4. What am I no longer willing to do?
  5. How can I enjoy the process?

“Tip 5: Technology

When you hear the word technology it makes you feel like drying paint is more enjoyable to watch! I get you, but times have changed. Change the way you think about it and embrace the power of technology to make caring easier. Download some caring-related apps that'll have you feeling like a tech wizard in no time. Manage medication reminders, schedule appointments, and conquer the digital realm like a pro. Quick action item for you: look for an app that matches your unique needs and prepare to conquer the caring world with just a few taps on your phone.

“Remember, carer superstars, even you need to take care of yourself. Start with one tip and gradually pick and mix the other tips in this article. You got this! Stay fabulous, keep smiling, and let those good vibes guide your caring journey.” 

Need more support? 

If you are caring for someone and struggling with your physical or mental health, Carers UK has more information on finding practical support in your caring role and looking after your wellbeing.

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