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UK NI Scotland Wales

As of the 1st April 2023, the Community Health Councils in Wales have been replaced with Llais, a new independent citizens’ voice body which will represent people across Wales in shaping health and social care services. Carers Wales welcomes the introduction of this new service and its potential benefits to unpaid carers.

Llais will look to gather the positive and negative experiences of people in the community accessing health and social care and will utilise this information to influence good and improved practice across both sectors.

A significant result of this new integrated approach is the creation of a new free and independent advocacy service. Llais’ advocacy services are free and independent and are for anyone who wants to raise a complaint or concern about either health or social services. This also means that there is scope for support when a concern or complaint that bridges health and social care.   

Each local health board area has its own team of independent advocates so local knowledge should also be available.

Carers Wales has called for improved advocacy services across multiple years via our Track The Act and State of Caring reports and this is potentially a major step forward for advocacy for carers and the people they care for.  

You can find out more about Llais with the link here and get access to the advocacy information here.

O 1 Ebrill 2023, mae Llais, corff llais dinasyddion annibynnol newydd wedi disodli Cynghorau Iechyd Cymuned Cymru, a fydd yn cynrychioli pobl ledled Cymru wrth lunio gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol. Mae Gofalwyr Cymru yn croesawu cyflwyniad y gwasanaeth newydd hwn a’i fanteision posibl i ofalwyr di-dâl.

Bydd Llais yn ceisio casglu profiadau cadarnhaol a negyddol pobl yn y gymuned sy'n defnyddio gwasanaethau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol a bydd yn defnyddio'r wybodaeth hon i ddylanwadu ar arferion da a gwell ar draws y ddau sector.

Canlyniad sylweddol i’r dull integredig newydd hwn yw creu gwasanaeth eiriolaeth annibynnol newydd am ddim. Mae gwasanaethau eiriolaeth Llais yn rhad ac am ddim ac yn annibynnol ac ar gyfer unrhyw un sydd eisiau codi cwyn neu bryder am naill ai iechyd neu wasanaethau cymdeithasol. Mae hyn hefyd yn golygu bod lle i gael cymorth pan fydd pryder neu gŵyn sy'n pontio iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol.

Mae gan bob ardal bwrdd iechyd lleol ei thîm ei hun o eiriolwyr annibynnol felly dylai gwybodaeth leol fod ar gael hefyd.

Mae Gofalwyr Cymru wedi galw am well gwasanaethau eirioli dros sawl blwyddyn drwy ein hadroddiadau Dilyn Y Ddeddf a Chyflwr Gofalu ac mae’n bosibl bod hwn yn gam mawr ymlaen i eiriolaeth i ofalwyr a’r bobl y maent yn gofalu amdanynt.

Gallwch ddarganfod mwy am Llais gyda'r ddolen yma a chael mynediad i'r wybodaeth eiriolaeth yma.

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