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UK NI Scotland Wales

For Carers Rights Day 2023, Carers Wales has written to the First Minister of Wales to highlight the findings of our State Of Caring In Wales surveys.

The reports paint a bleak picture for many carers in Wales, with regard to carers' health & well-being as well as their financial situation.

You can read more about the State of Caring financial report here and the Health and Well-being report here.

You can read the full letter to the First Minister by clicking the button below.

Ar gyfer Diwrnod Hawliau Gofalwyr 2023, mae Gofalwyr Cymru wedi ysgrifennu at Brif Weinidog Cymru i dynnu sylw at ganfyddiadau ein harolygon Cyflwr Gofalu yng Nghymru.

Mae'r adroddiadau'n rhoi darlun llwm i lawer o ofalwyr yng Nghymru, o ran iechyd a lles gofalwyr yn ogystal â'u sefyllfa ariannol.

Gallwch ddarllen mwy am yr adroddiad ariannol Cyflwr Gofalu yma a’r adroddiad Iechyd a Lles yma.

Gallwch ddarllen y llythyr llawn at y Prif Weinidog drwy glicio ar y botwm isod.

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