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UK NI Scotland Wales

Ydych chi'n barod ar gyfer y Ddeddf Absenoldeb Gofalwr?

Mae'n bwysig bod pob busnes yn barod i'r Ddeddf Absenoldeb Gofalwr ddod yn gyfraith. Darganfyddwch sut y gallwn ni helpu i baratoi. Sut gallwn ni helpu

Ymunwch â'n cyfarfodydd ar-lein

A man and a woman looking at a tablet together,

Ymunwch â'n cyfarfodydd ar-lein

Diweddariadau diweddaraf


111 MPs and Peers show their support for unpaid carers at event in Parliament

Today, key charities brought unpaid carers to an event in Parliament to share their experiences of caring with MPs and Peers.


Press Release

Carers UK welcomes huge engagement on future of NHS - including carers voices to shape 10 year plan


The unspoken challenges of being a carer for parents,partners and children / Yr Heriau na SonnirAmdanynt o Fod yn Ofalwr i Rieni,Partneriaid, a Phlant